There’s a reason why MIPR Corp takes on any conveyor belt system challenge with confidence—our team’s 34 years of hands-on experience and proven expertise set us apart from other conveyor manufacturing companies. With one call, our clients receive innovative, affordable and workable plans the next day (or the same day)—and get right back to work.

When a major manufacturer of custom auto parts ran into conveyor belt issues on a critical section of their line last year, they called MIPR Corp. A recurring jam had brought their business to a halt and they needed a solution that would stick, fast. Our conveyor belt engineer diagnosed the difficulty right away: their previous supplier had failed to account for incline when they had designed and installed the conveyor belt.
At this juncture in their assembly line, expensive custom auto part components were sliding down a steep incline on an improperly surfaced conveyor belt, bumping into each other, damaging goods and throwing the construction process into disarray. This company’s reputation for quality and service was on the line … and MIPR Corp was there to get the plant back online.
It took our conveyor belt engineer less than a day to discover what was wrong and just one day to fix it. In less than 24 hours, MIPR Corp designed, sourced, delivered and they installed a very sticky, rough top industry standard conveyor belt directly to the manufacturing plant. Everything was back to running smoothly. Because MIPR delivered so quickly, our client was able to make their big delivery, too.
Do you have a conveyor belt section that isn’t running as smoothly as you would like? Have a manufacturing challenge you think a custom conveyor belt might solve? Bring MIPR Corp your conveyor belt questions and industrial supply problems. We have the answers, cost-effective solutions, premium products and superior service you need, right now.