For any complex piping and ducting system an expansion joint is a critical juncture. The right expansion joint will allow for movement and start-up surges, compensate for misalignment, lower noise and vibration, and reduce stress so that demanding industrial and commercial processes run smoothly and stay online.
MIPR Corp has 45 years of serving a worldwide market with the most complete selection of expansion joints, fan connectors, energy noise and vibration absorbing rubber in the world. Decades of experience from thoughtful application understanding in every industry. If it has a pipe in it, we will have served it. We have demonstrated long length life in the highest to lowest temperatures and service conditions. We are proven in the worst abrasion and chemical conditions. We utilize all the best materials known to science in the worlds most exacting environments and conditions.
The industry’s widest selection of flexible connectors, expansion joints, penetration seals and rubber check valves are available.
Expansion Joints – All designs available. Hand-built wide arch, hand-built low profile super wide arch, low spring rate wide arch, PTFE lined molded arch, narrow and wide arch concentric and eccentric and eccentric reducers and spherical types. Modifications to design include: Multiple arch and filled hand-built wide arch. Standard elastomers include: Butyl, Neoprene, Nitrile, CSM (like Hypalon), EPDM, Natural and Viton. Also available in PTFE and FEP. In-stock sizes range from 1” ID to 72” ID. Manufacturing capability to 120” ID. (Tooling is available to manufacture all non-stock sizes.) We also supply U-type expansion joints in rectangular, oval and round configurations with internal or external rubber flanges for Turbine/Condenser applications. Request brochures: Series 230, Series 271, Series 261R/262R, Series 231/ET, Series 251/BT, Series RC 231/221, Series RE 231/221, Series 240/242, Series 233-L/234-L, Series 403 and Series 404.
PTFE Expansion Joints – Called Couplings, Expansion Joints or Bellows. We offer in-stock sizes ranging from 1” to 12” in 2, 3, 5 convolutions. We offer sizes ranging from 1” ID through 24” ID in 2 and 3 convolutions and 1” ID though 20” ID in 5 convolutions. Designed primarily for chemical service, the inexpensive cost and short face-to-face lengths make these products universal in application. Request brochures: Series 440.
Rubber Pipe / Vibration Dampeners – For vibration / noise reduction or lateral movements, rubber pipe is in-stock from 1” ID to 24” ID in lengths from 12” to 48” over-all length. Standard stocked elastomers are Neoprene and Butyl, although other elastomers are available. Request brochure: Series 300.
Flexible Metal Hose Connectors – Wire braid covered annular corrugated hose of stainless steel or bronze seat end are in-stock in ID sizes ½” to 14”. Available with flanged, grooved, threaded or sweat ends. Special hose assemblies can be manufactured to customer specifications with: One braid or Two Braids and a selection of end fittings. Request brochure: Series 6201.
Rubber Check Valves – Rubber Check Valves are cost effective way to control back pressure from effluent operations. Offered as direct replacements for ineffective and maintenance-ridden flap type valves. Sizes range in ID from 1” to 84”. Request brochure: Series 700.
Penetration Seals – Where piping passes through a wall or floor, use an all rubber Pen-Seal to statically seal annular space between wall/floor and pipe. Manufactured of EPDM, Nitrile and Silicone. Bolting can be supplied with Zinc-plated Carbon Steel or 316 Stainless Steel. Request brochure: Pan-Seal.
Low Torque Gaskets – For plastic, fiberglass, glass or other piping which require minimum sealing forces. Manufactured in EPDM (with peroxide cure) and EPDM (with PTFE film). In-stock sizes are available from ½” ID to 12” ID. Request brochure: Series 9103.
Non-Metallic Ducting Expansion Joints / Fan Connectors – We manufacture a complete line of ducting expansion joints available in round or rectangular sizes with flanged or flat belt profiles for fan inlet and discharge applications. Elastomeric elements are offered for systems operating below 500°F and are manufactured of Viton, Butyl, EPDM, Neoprene, Nitrile or elastoplastic materials. Request brochure: Series 500.
Catalog Available – A complete three-ring binder with information and data sheets on MIPR Corp products is available without cost or obligation. Write, fax, phone or email for your copy today!