First and foremost, MIPR Corp conveyor belt experts are creative—and quick!—problem solvers. Our case studies show how 40 years of experience, a comprehensive range of products, and same-day sample shipping keep companies all across the country moving forward.
Our engineers recently took a call from a frustrated factory owner with an ongoing problem on a tire-shredding recycling line. Their facility featured an outdoor-to-indoor conveyor belt. Employees working outside stacked old tires on a conveyor belt that carried the tires up a 30-degree incline into a warehouse where they were tipped into a chipper. The problem? Even in fine weather, tires tended to slip back on the incline and fell off. Add rain, snow, or ice, and the frequent production slowdowns were starting to impact their bottom line.
It took MIPR Corp experts just one phone call to solve a problem that had been frustrating the tire company team—and kept them falling off schedule—for months. Because MIPR is one of the few conveyor belt companies that carries a comprehensive range of specialty conveyor belting, we knew they had a lot of options to keep those tires in place: roughtop belts (textured to stop sliding and cushion impact), heavy-duty industrial belts, and more. Because we know and service all the options, we were able to choose the optimal solution: a heavy duty, commercial grade cleated belt, able to stand up to temperature changes and backstop the tires as they began to slide, keeping them stable until they were tipped into the shredder.
We sent a photograph of the cleated belt immediately so they could review it on their cellphones and shipped out a physical sample of the specialty belting that same day. (We know seeing is believing!) Less than 24 hours later, their team could see for themselves how the belt we suggested would integrate with their motors and other equipment, that it would stand up to rough weather, how well it was constructed, and why cleating would solve their slippage problem.

They placed an order right away. Our engineers specified the perfect cleat spacing for tires, shipped the customized belt from one of our many nationwide distribution centers, and had the brand-new cleated tire conveyor belt installed just two days later. It took less than three days from that first frustrated phone call to every tire staying put on their way to the chipper—and their throughput getting back on track.
If you want a custom conveyor belt solution—and physical samples shipped out the same day you request them—it’s time to pick up the phone and talk to the experts at MIPR Corp.